The Summer Doubles has been launched from today. A couple of Winter Doubles teams have dropped out with one new team entering. As there may be new players, (possibly some existing players) who would be interested in joining, Cary left 3 open spots in league B. If any of you are aware of a team that would like to enter could you please have them contact Cary.
We will be using the same format as we did for the Winter Doubles which proved to be very successful.
• Although dates are shown on the website, these can be ignored and you are free to set your own dates in agreement with your opposition
• Games may be played at any location.
• There is one game per match played to 13. Winners receive 3 points, losers 1 point. Points scored during the games will also be counted giving a point differential which could be important at the end of the season.
• The games must be finished by October 31st when we will start a new Winter Doubles
• Winners and Runners up will receive medals and there will be a cup for winners of each league.
• Promotion and Relegation will now kick in and it will be a 2 team up and down.
To decide the cup for the Winter Doubles could I ask Montys and Ship Mates to play a decider match (best of three) and if possible by the end of August so that you can be presented with your medals and cup at the Thursday League Dinner.
Good luck and have a good season.