Over the past number of years we have often reported back on our boules tours from a group perspective so this time we asked Terry Basson, one of our new members this year to provide some feedback on his first club tour.

“It all began during a casual conversation with Chris McGinn telling us about the Alkmaar Boules connection. We showed interest and before we could say ‘Jack Robinson’, a very detailed email about the trip arrived from Diana Lockwood.
For Di Greenaway it was a first visit to the Netherlands, and my only experience was at 18 years old during my Army National service when I arrived on a troop ship suffering the effects of a very rough sea crossing! But, empowered by the detailed information we decided to go and with ease booked the flights from Bristol and the Grand Hotel Alkmaar as suggested.
From that moment on the friendliness of members of The City of Bath Petanque Club shone through. The group’s inclusive nature, always evident, started with a cheese and wine get together hosted by Diana, during which many of our questions were answered, and continued in Alkmaar when our doubts about being newcomers were quickly dispersed.
We played a Melee at L’Autre Cheminon Saturday afternoon and the Dutch made us very welcome and also gave each of us a cheese. A beautiful engraved glass plaque was presented to the club by Diana, and to complete the great afternoon we sang a chorus of Run Rabbit Run with the Dutch joining in!
With an element of anxiety the open doubles tournament loomed on Sunday at the Celeritas Petanque Club.All Bath pairs played 6 games. Some won 3, some 2 and we managed 1 with which we were delighted. It was a great challenge as we have only been playing for a few months.”