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Bath Boules Facebook launched by Club

The Bath Boules club Facebook Page has been launched.

Facebook Page for City of Bath Boules Club
New Facebook Page launched by the City of Bath Petanque Club

It is what is known as a brochure site, which is more like a notice board than a chat line.

It has safety measures in its set up to ensure that visitors to the site cannot post inappropriate items.

Some details and pictures have been posted on the page as a starter but as time goes on it could be a very useful tool for keeping us all in touch.

Included in the details is a map showing the location of LSC, complete with the post code for sat/nav usage and if you click the pdf link in that area there are details of how to get there by bus.

If you wish to have an item included on the Facebook page the best way is to send an email to “” or give a message to one of the committee members for consideration.