The Club is holding its annual Dinner at the Market Public House on Friday 8 November, 7pm for 7.30pm. The Market is centrally situated opposite the Theatre Royal. The venue would be for our exclusive use and is interesting, as it is on various levels, but all Diners would be together.
This will be the last formal event of the season and with the exciting reality of a new headquarters at Larkhall FC, the future looks very rosy. The Committee will be delighted to see as many members and friends as possible.
I attach a Club Dinner Menu, which is £18 for 3 courses and £14 for two courses. I propose to add on £1 for people having two courses and £1.50 for those having three courses. This extra money, will be used for Staff gratuities.
Entertainment will be provided by the ‘Bristol Shantymen’,who should give us a fitting finale to the evening.
Please complete and return the Application Form, with which you can express your menu choices, together with your payment to cover. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Rosh Ltd’ .Please send the application form and payment to me at the following address. Orders must be with me, by 31st October. Thank you.
Alexander House
Pulteney Mews
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