Bath Twinning Boule Challenge takes place on Friday 26th June 2015 .
The teams will comprise of representatives from each of the associations who are part of the City of Bath Twinning
Aix-en-Provence v’s Alkmaar v’s Braunschweig v’s Kaposvar
Queen Square 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm start finish 8.15 pm
Rules .
1 .2 teams of 3 with as many substitutes as wanted .
2 .Each twinning will play all 3 others .
3 Games to 13 points or 20 minutes and one end whichever comes sooner .
4 The team with the most wins will be champions . If a draw, points difference will be applied .
5 Teams with a regular team Boule player will have a 2 point penalty for each player .
To play free . Refreshments and a glass of wine £10 at the Harington Club .
Won in 2014 by Alkmaar