September 30th and we are on our way to Bremen and Braunschweig to compete in a couple of tournaments, attend the 40th twinning anniversary of the Anglo German Association.

Our trip started with a visit to Bremen in Northern Germany to compete in the Bremen Open. As saturday dawned we were greeted with blue skys and warm sunshine. The competition is held round the Werder Bremen football ground and we were assured that we were the first english side to have graced the Bremen Open. While the results were not positive both teams gave a good account of themselves and after a enjoyable day were presented with a memento of our visit. Dinner that night was exceptional and despite a limited menu it was agreed that we could not have done better.
Sunday and on to Braunschweig by train. Don had been advised by our host, Lutz, ahead of our visit that
There are two possibilities for you to practise petanque. The easiest is to go to the square in front of the Magnikirche, fairly central -actually in the oldest part of town – and just play there. it is open to everyone. The second is to play at the grounds of the BffL where the championship will be held. But this is more complicated. Firstly, it is a nudist club and on that day there will be nudist club members in the grounds, which may not be to your taste.
In the end, deciding to prevent any embarrasement for the tour members we arrived in front of the Magnikirche to be greeted by a number of our hosts for a preliminary game of pétanque before the main competition and of course a few beers.
Monday, and the main doubles competition was held atBffl Sportsground with some serious and not so serious competition. Losses slightly outweighed the wins but did not distract from the day. An excellent lunch was provided and for those who wanted a swim were welcome and swimming costumes were not required.
On a final day, after having explored the town and its historical sights we took the tram to the outskirts of the town where we joined in the Anglo German 40th Twinning Association Party.
We left for our train to Hanover on Wednesday only to find it had been cancelled (And this is Germany) but luckily with still plenty of time to catch the following train. Not only leaving Braunschweig but also many new found friends who we hope will continue to take up our Pétanque challenge in the years to come.